Monthly Archive:: April 2021

Orthodontic Treatment

As we leave adolescence far, far behind, thoughts of orthodontic treatment are left far behind, too. As adults, we may remember going through braces as a teen or had parents who may not have been able to afford orthodontic treatment. Because that’s who wears braces, right? Teens! Not anymore! People of ALL ages are seeking orthodontic treatment more today than ever before. In fact, adults now make up more than 25% of those in orthodontic treatment!

Why should adults get treatment? Though adult bone growth is complete, straightening the teeth and aligning the jaws is still possible. Good orthodontic treatment has many benefits to an adult’s overall health. Crooked teeth are harder to clean and can cause deterioration of tooth enamel and gums. Poor gum health has been shown to have a direct link to heart disease. Also, digestion can be adversely affected by inadequate chewing due to poor tooth and jaw alignment. orthodontic treatment

TMJ and bruxism (grinding of teeth) are also growing problems with adults. Poor alignment of teeth and jaws is usually a primary cause of these types of painful issues. Adults often say orthodontic treatment gave them a “brace lift” because the bone structure can be affected during the expansion of the arches and alignment of the jaws. Treatment can result in fuller lips, a more contoured appearance, and possibly the advancement of the lower jaw, creating a stronger jawline and eliminating the “double chin”. More here on this website

Still not sold? Don’t like the fact braces are too noticeable? Limit your diet? Too painful to lips and cheeks? Invisalign is a great option for many adults. Invisalign is a series of clear aligners and small tooth-colored attachments on the teeth to gradually straighten your teeth and jaws. Since there are no brackets to knock off with sticky, hard food, Invisalign allows patients to eat whatever they want!

Impatient? Orthodontic treatment takes too long? Acceledent is a revolutionary new product used in conjunction with either braces or Invisalign for 20 minutes a day. It can cut your treatment time by 50%! Acceledent can be a fantastic option for adults wanting to finish treatment in time for big events like a wedding or class reunion.

There are soooooo many options and benefits today to getting orthodontic treatment…no more excuses!

One of the greatest things about those “sweet” holidays Valentine Day, Easter, and Halloween-is to have a guilt-free excuse to eat lots and lots of candy! Unless, of course, you have some kind of expansion appliance or braces in your mouth! Booooooo! Lots of the sticky, sweet stuff winds up wrapped around that metal or (gasp!) breaks something! Not to mention, all that sugar LOVES to sit and lounge on your precious enamel and encourages cavities. Double boooooo!!!!! Hold on, hold on…just because you’ve decided that now’s the time to straighten your teeth and fix your bite doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy those beloved sugary treats once in a while. You just have to be more careful about which ones you put in your mouth and don’t forget to BRUSH afterward! So let’s break it down…

Candy you CAN have :

Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
melt-in-your-mouth treats like Pop-Rocks
Suckers (as long as you LICK them and NOT CRUNCH them)
Fun Dip & Pixi Stix
Did I say CHOCOLATE???

Candy you need to AVOID :

Hard, chewy kind like Skittles, Starburst, Tootsie Rolls
Anything with nuts
Anything with caramel, marshmallows, or toffee
Gummy bears, Sour gummies, or Laffy Taffy

Did I miss some candy? Of course, but just use your noodle and if it seems iffy, avoid it! So just remember, as long as you continue to brush and floss like a champ after you eat anything, you keep seeing your general dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings, and you use good sense about what you eat, you CAN enjoy those fun candy holiday

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